Apr 18Liked by Nick Cohen

I think gilts went down, not up. It was interest rates that went up. But I'm nit-picking ...

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I’ve got $50 that says Truss couldn’t have described a Gilt before the chaos unleashed by her mini-budget and this links to a new theory I’ve come up with recently, look at those headlines you link too and see the ppl who wrote the stories underneath them, all from Tufton St or Tufton St aligned, these ppl & the Tory libertarian MPs who cheered her on exposed the fundamental issue for that kind of politics

If you’re a super-smart person who is a free market capitalist with an interest in how the economy works then you go into banking or other city related jobs and/or work as a senior executive in big business as that’s where the money is but if you share that kind of worldview but don’t have the intellect or smarts to cut it in that world then you go into working for the right wing think tanks and lobbyists or become an MP, so the problem that style of politics and that worldview has is the people who will be in a position to implement the agenda of the free market fundamentalists are by definition the stupidest ppl in that world, works out great for the smart ones cos they either get lucky ideologically (from their perspective) and a Thatcher comes along to implement their worldview politically or if instead they get a Truss or a Norman Lamont they just clean up financially by betting on the stupidity of ppl that they know are stupid because they’ve spent real time with them, they can’t lose

Sadly though the rest of us do

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From Trump to Johnson and Truss it really is depressing to see that a total inability to feel shame is something of a political superpower

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Has there been any historian in the past 200 years who predicted that the Age of Enlightenment would be followed by the Age of Self-Entitlement?

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This is all sadly true. I couldn’t believe what I read of her latest interview. She is an even shallower and I think less perceptive version of Trump and sounds equally narcissistic, as if she has decided the British people will be as stupified and collar-led as republican voters. I always wonder if these people actually believe what they say and write, or are solely snake oil sellers. On the other hand, the Brexit vote proves that UK adults will at times buy the snake oil.

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Great piece. When I read a review of her book I was thinking, 'well this is just her entry ticket to the MAGA universe of lucrative after dinner speaking events, she can't really believe this'. You know, in much the same way as I reckoned Johnson is with his recent posturing. Behind his eyes you can see that toffish 'this is all for japes' glint along with his crooked, non serious grin.

I was prepared to think the same of Truss. Another exercise in cynicism. But after the BBC interview... She has the demeanor of a cult member. A true believer who has whole heartedly deluded herself into this stuff.

A bizarre fever dream of a world that this was our Prime Minister and that the Tory membership thought this was on.

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It was gilt yields, not gilt prices, that went up. But I'm nit-picking.

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Liz Truss's plan was Reagonomics. The term sounds like economics, but it's a political program. It's also called supply side economics. The program creates a coalition of big money to support a government. In exchange for economic favours from the politicians, the big money provides political and ideological support. Both sides mutually support and reinforce each other. The results are usually bad for the economy as a whole: deficits and hollowed out public spending. But as a political program it has been very successful, in America at least: it's lasted since 1980, though Biden is whittling away at it.

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Thanks Nick, another well argued and well written Satck and for the “shows that, despite all she did to this country, her eyes still shine with a bright, self-righteous fanaticism, as if the sockets are backlit by an idiot’s lantern” you have demonstrated that any pence is well spend. BTW you could also explain to the non Brits how another constant failure can have such a sway over polictial England and its media. You might guessed it I mean Nigel Farage.

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The conservatives have done nothing but serve against our interests for two decades.

So too Labour... democracy has never seemed such window dressing.. and.. so.. I wonder if the purpose is to allow the rich to rig the game once and for all.

No doubt someone will overdo it... and ruin fascism again.

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Absolutely spot on. Unfortunately the people of South Norfolk seem to like her and her 18000 majority should see her back in Parliamen to champion lung cancer and British cheeses.

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